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Kom je terug als geoefende sporter?;-) Leuk om je belevenissen te lezen!


Dear Nina,
I loved reading every word of your "blog". You certainly had a lot of interesting stories to share. I can imagine that you want to move to another hall in the "dorm"; I had to laugh at your description of your friends being more organized than Marie Kondo! I was surprised to read about the "school culture" and that the motivation levels and respect for the teachers were so low. I had a totally different "beeld" of the British university system. Be careful in Birmingham; as you wrote, it is not the safest city in the world. Just use common sense and don't go out alone at night. I heard that your dad and Grete are coming over to visit you soon. That will be so much fun! Go out to your local pub with your dad! He can be such a fun guy! I hope that despite your critical eye, you are enjoying this experience. It is certainly an eye opener! I am looking forward to reading your next blog. I loved this one! Big hug, Nancy


Veel plezier! Ik hoop snel over je avonturen in Birmingham te kunnen lezen.


Dear Nina,
This will be a really exciting period for you! Of course, I would love to receive your "blogs" to read about your adventures!!